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I have a kid on the way and based on past experience this ought to line up perfectly to pay for preschool.Welcome to r/Apple, the unofficial community for Apple news, rumors, and discussions. So please, I encourage you wholeheartedly: convince management to greenlight building their upcoming database management or load balancer in Rust, Zig, or Nim. At the very least we might have to accept salaried positions instead of stacking multiple contracts, and see a real pay cut. It's a marvelous ecosystem, and without so many failed efforts to replace C leading to enterprise codebase migrations from Blub to C - there's a real chance that the market for C developers would dry up, and the language would die out. Y'all paid for more C programmers' mortgages than you know. Honorable mention to the gang who sold management on C#, D, Elixer, OCaml, Objective C, and Swift. I can't wait for crustaceans to move on to their next "no seriously we finally made the end all replacement for C!" language so that us C programmers can make a killing on contract work to salvage the abandoned Rust projects all of these companies are about to be stuck with. Keep your unjerks to a minimum, or move them to /r/PCJUnjerkTrap If you have any questions about this policy, consult your nearest bucket of arsenic. It isn't funny, witty, interesting or useful. In the meantime you're being mean to a kid, which is only funny on 9gag.įuck your stupid bot. Yes, they give stupid advice, richly interwoven with aggravating unselfawareness. The no-socialjerking-or-politics rule is the most ruthlessly enforced. If what you're posting is the subject of multiple warring subreddits, blog networks or hashtags, that's a sign you should leave it outside. Socialjerking or politics, directly or tangentially Most image posts fail to rise to this august and austere standard. I rewrote "hello world" in Fortran Pascal C Perl Ruby Lisp Haskell Clojure NodeJS Go Rust Blockchainīy dictatorial fiat, this is a New School jerk.